Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thailand Tour Redux

I'll be leaving for Thailand tonight together with some friends from ASMSI. We're supposed to visit Cambodia from Thailand, but decided to change itinerary due to Thailand-Cambodia border conflict. We wouldn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

We will be staying in Thailand for 4 days. We will visit Pattaya tomorrow and we will probably try parasailing there. The following day, we will visit Ayyatuya - Thailand's ancient capital. We still have to figure out what to for the other 2 days. If it's possible and safe, we may still visit Cambodia.

Thanks to Adsense, this trip would be paid for by Google Money. LOL

1 comment:

  1. hey sir, I just want to promote my new blog:

    and btw, I added you on my links list
