Saturday, August 09, 2008

The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure

With the nature of my work, I get to meet people from all walks of life. There are those asking information about fiance visa application. While some others are asking for information about tourist visa application but the real intention is to work in Canada. These are the people who want a shortcut to live and work in Canada. And then there are professionals who prefer the permanent resident visa application.

I kind of enjoy my job because I know that I'm helping make a difference in other people's lives. Some of my clients who are already in Canada still sends me email once in a while and even visits me in our office everytime they're in town. I was also seen on national television because of my job. Yeah, big deal! LOL

But what I don't exactly like is that our office is open even during weekends. In fact, our office is busiest during the weekends. This is because most of our clients are available only during weekends and we need to accomodate them. As a result I've been missing gimiks, climbing activities, parties, etc.

Just like today. It's Bugoy and Daryl's wedding. Much that I want to attend and be part of this special day in their lives, I simply can't.

Daryl and Bugoy

Daryl and Bugoy are both my schoolmates from Sisters of Mary School. Bugoy used to be my climbing and drinking buddy before he went to Taiwan for work. My friendship Niko, another schoolmate, posted an entry about Daryl and Bugoy's love story. Read the story here.

To you Daryl and Bugoy, may you have more weddings to come best wishes!

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